When you are charged with a felony, you may be facing a significant jail or prison sentence. A felony conviction is a major life event, and it could cost you years of your freedom.
Misdemeanors are various crimes that do not rise to the level of a felony. Even though misdemeanors carry less jail time than felonies, they can still be serious charges. They often carry implications for other areas of your life, or even your career by putting a business or professional license in jeopardy. You cannot afford to put off hiring a …
Drug Offenses
Prosecutors spend significant time and resources in the prosecution of drug crimes. At CiceroAdams, we defend people who have been accused of a variety of drug offenses. We provide aggressive representation to help our clients deal with their legal situation. If you have been arrested, or charged in connection with a drug crime, contact us as soon as possible, so …